Creating a RaspberryPi 3b+ Home Assistant Screen

 Items used:
1. Raspberry Pi 3b+
2. 32 Gig Micro SD
3. Raspberry Pi 7" Touch Screen Display -
4.  SmartiPi Touch 1 - Case -
5. FullPageOS

Download the latest build from here:

Use the Pi SD Card Imager of your choice to flash the image to the sd card.

After it images, before you boot edit the following:

In the config.txt file do the following:

Under RPI4:
comment out "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d" under rpi4

Under All:
comment out the very last line and uncomment "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d"

Save and close that config file.

To configure wifi if you are going that route:
Open /boot/fullpageos-wpa-supplicant. txt in a text editor.
Locate the WPA/WPA2 secured section in the text file.
Uncomment network={ to } (4 lines) by removing the # signs from the beginning of each line.
Replace put SSID here with your Wi-Fi network id.
Replace NONE with the Wi-Fi password.

Save and close that file.

To configure the web page that loads:
Open fullpageos.txt and change the URL to what you want it to be. In my case I put in http://homeassistant.local:8123 to access my Hassio instance.

Save and close that file.

Power up your Pi and bam! A portable control kiosk that is touch enabled!


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