Got hit..again

So I was eating at a local restaurant on Wednesday the 28th and had parked my bike in front of the main doors. I came out to leave after a bit and noticed my rear blinker(Driver side) on my dest with a folded note.

I was horrified as I looked down and saw where this chick has hit my bike. Now, in case y'all didn't know I had wrecked this same bike at 60-ish MPH 2 years ago and barely walked away with my life(Ill post pics later).

Insurance wants to total my bike it seems as it isn't worth much being an 03 VTX 1300s with 30k miles......But I will keep y'all updated.

Oh and the best part? She isn't answering or returning any calls to me or the insurance on the contact info left.


So the Insurance company finally called back and said they tracked her down. She admitted to hitting my bike and just leaving and not returning nay of mine or my insurance agents calls. Her insurance will be repairing my bike or totaling it depending on how much my older bike is worth....


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